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Added on May 30, 2023
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Generate quality stock photos of people that don't exist, in seconds.
Pricing: | Free |
Subcategory: | Image Generator |
Lucidpic is a platform that uses artificial intelligence to generate stock images of people who are not real. It offers a number of key features and benefits:
- Wide variety of filters: Customize images by selecting sex, ethnicity, age, hair color, hair length, and clothing options
- Photography styles: Choose from Standard, Cinematic, Insta, Candid, High Contrast, and Black and White styles
- AI Photo Studio: Quickly generate and edit images to achieve the desired appearance
- Royalty-free: Download and use images without additional costs
- High-quality and unique: Suitable for use on websites, social media, eLearning platforms, and in advertising
Lucidpic has various use cases that cater to different types of content creators:
- Website designers who need unique and customizable stock images
- Social media managers looking for diverse and high-quality visual content
- Advertisers who want to create captivating campaigns using AI-generated images
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