Jarvis AI
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Added on May 30, 2023

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FAQ chatbot for text messaging support.

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Jarvis AI is a text messaging accessible artificial intelligence platform that provides an open-source solution. It functions as an AI assistant using the ChatGPT algorithm developed by OpenAI to answer user questions. The key features of Jarvis AI include its accessibility via text messaging, its utilization of the ChatGPT algorithm for advanced natural language processing abilities, its user-friendly interface suitable for AI novices, its interactive functionalities such as idea generation, suggestions, and jokes, and its free trial with the option to upgrade to a monthly subscription for extended usage. Use cases for Jarvis AI include introducing individuals to AI technology in an interactive and accessible manner, providing a convenient AI assistant accessible through text messaging, and satisfying curiosity about AI capabilities and functionalities. Jarvis AI is an open-source platform that offers a user-friendly and interactive experience, bringing AI technology to users through text messaging.

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